মিউট করুন আপনার সেই বন্ধুকে যে অনেক পোস্ট করে

So, you've got one among those friends who seems to post whenever the mood strikes. All The Time.

You don’t want to unfriend this person, but you would like to ascertain less of their *Random Thoughts* and memes on your feed.

In the upper-right corner of 1 of the offender’s recent posts, click the ellipsis. this provides you options which will help curate your News Feed.

To mute your friend’s posts (i.e., remove them from your feed without unfriending), choose Hide all from xx.

If you only need a break from their posts, choose Snooze xx for 30 days.

To see fewer posts of this nature generally , choose Hide post and make Facebook’s algorithm smarter.

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